2001ږ㦑ఱꭳ2001 RTHK Awarded Programmes

Ethics Education: Dare or Beware?!

28th Japa Prize International Educational Program Contest
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Science and Techonology Prize
The Best Program in Youth Education Category
28홥調쭙ꉣ﷓핸ﳈ噧袘 - 䡙乗〄Ṗ

 ⢞睭 啐 㑦 ꉣ ﷓
쥕 晭睭⪀ 啐 ▍
쥚 얃睭膜 調 ͦ

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饬 匰 颗 酭 輸 摱  힀  誂 ﷿  啐 㑦 ₌ ﶹ 字 䑑 쑜 봰 봰 ﷿ 頤 䲞 끛 浧 慲 슀 힀 袟 啛 ﷿ ﷿ ꆔ ﯋ 牥 慲 䲈 ﷿ 詟 큩 钙 籭 ﷿ 呢  颗 饬  ᝧ Ϳ 溜 轔 憍 ᑻ ﷿  䲈 ﷿ 留 留鉶 ﷿  ⩻ ﷿   힀  颗 祺 葠 ᆄ 퍮 Ϳ 婭

襁 ﻁ ﷿ 入 ⁔ 踤 ﷿ 끛 㶄 ﷿ 啛 慲 摱  Ꝿ 袘 颗  ᏿ 蝳 ﷿ ﷿ ﷿ 供 踤 韛 ₌ ﷿ ﷿ ﷿ ﷿  ⥸ 呭 饬 詟 ꭳ 蚀 婭

罏 蝳 䖖 ﷿ ﷿ ﷿ 蚀 띾 첀 솚 〄  嘰 襁 ﻁ ﷿ ﷿ 蚀 푵 㝵 ᑎ 썟 啛 㝵 〄   ﷿ 入 蚀 灰 ⁔ 㺞 踤 Ȱ ﷿    皍 皍 ﷿ 詟 끛 妎 啛 肀 ﲁ 摱  ﷿  蚀 ﷿ 赩 VCD ស 菱 㽼 㽼 䎑 ᖇ ﷿ 褤 佧 溜 癣 쐃 Ȱ ﷿ 䲀 ﷿ ﷿ 橧 쑜 ᭿ 供 " 轔 퍙 " 婭 灰 菱 䍎  龔 늗 끛 佧 供 ﯭ 婭  꽾 ꁺ ស ﷿  ﷿ ﷿ ﷿ 쬰 쥸 쬰 ꭳ 䲞 Ȱ

Growing up is a stage of life full of wonder and surprises. Young people gradually build up their character and ways of thinking. At times, however, their behavior is rejected, or even condemned as mistakes, by adults or the outside world. Where is the line to be drawn between right and wrong?

This production starts with the story of fifteen-year-old Ah Lui. To keep up with what's "in", she has her ear pierced, several times. Mother is very upset, but Ah Lui feels flattered as her classmates and friends praise and envy her. On day, her best friend suggests they have their hair dyed. At first, Ah Lui hesitates, but to attract the attention of boys, she has her hair dyed blonde. Her brother, thirteen-year-old Ah Tsai is very curious about sex. His friends lure him into watching pornographic video together, which is how Ah Tsai has his first "taste" of sex. As he watches the video by himself at home, he feels "it" for the first time.

Mother is a very traditional housewife. But one day, she is coaxed by her hair stylist into dying her hair. She instantly feels a boost in self-esteem. Upon returning home, she finds Ah Lui having turned into a blondie. She is very angry. Father has always been quiet over family matters, until one day, when he finds out Ah Tsai has been masturbating in secret. How would he handle this family matter?

Piercing ears, dying hair, masturbation, and being curious of sex are normal. But why are they all taboos when daughter Ah Lui and son Ah Tsai are doing them? How would mother and father play the family game? What are the views of these four different family members? This time, it is a matter of whether Ah Lui and Ah Tsai dare to lose, just once.


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2001ږ㦑ఱꭳ 2001 RTHK Awarded Programmes
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