2001ږ㦑ఱꭳ2001 RTHK Awarded Programmes

﷿  ﷿ - ⑒ 薜 끛 乣
Hong Kong Connection: Freedom of Religion

The Sixth Annual Human Rights Prses Awards (Broadcast - Television)

The New York Film Festivals 2001
- Gold WorldMedal
- United Nationas Nominee

療홥湭࠱ﱶ쉗(䑑䡙꺐⢞) -- 㺞

- 㺞
- ﷿纆調﯃

 ⢞睭 꺐 ﹖ 론 ﷿ 陋 隙 ٘  핸츁὿ 쑜 炙 鎙 ﷿ ᑻ 蝳﷿
쥕 晭睭鵼 걱 n
쥚 얃睭섃  豸

ၞ꽾 watch

₌ 灰 調 դ 晭 ﷿ 썹 僚 袘 ᇿ 榖 橛 ﷿ ږ 㦑 ὿ 쑜 灰 嵥 偸 佧 慲 ➌ ꉣ ⑒ 薜 끛 乣 ꭳ 㡸 쭓  ﷿ 詟 ﷿ ➌ ꉣ 統 㡸 끛 乣 踤 큢 ﷿ 썹  斈 ㉚ ǿ 垇  ﷿  ﷿ 蝳 ﺼ ﷒ 䲞 斗  ﻕ ﷿ ቔ 띩 퍫 蘤 ﷿ 궔 ﲽ ﲸ ꊔ 檞  ﷿ 륞  ➌ ꉣ 큸 Ґ 佧 皗 ꉣ 饬 䁗 ﷿ 斗  ﻕ ﷿ 慲 ᵓ 큒 썹 ﷿ 띩 쵶 袘 ၬ 乗 䁗 ➌ ꉣ Ϳ  㢀 ᗿ 㝵 ﷿ ږ 㦑 ὿ 쑜 灰 嵥 偸 佧 慲 ➌ ꉣ ⑒ 薜 끛 乣 ﷕ 睚 ⵐ ﻍ 譫 ǿ

For over three years under the premise of "One Country, Two Systems" and with the Basic Law in place, the people of Hong Kong have continued to enjoy their freedom of belief and a great variety of religions have managed to coexist in peace ﷿ that is, until now. "Falun Gong" has incurred the wrath of Beijing. Subsequently it has also come under vehement fire from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government. Many religious personages are gravely concerned, fearing that the Government's attitude towards "Falun Gong" has ominous implications on all religions.


2001ږ㦑ఱꭳ 2001 RTHK Awarded Programmes
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