2001ږ㦑ఱꭳ2001 RTHK Awarded Programmes
Y2K+01 Y2K+01

2001 Chicago International TV Festival - Silver Hugo
ﺶ౞౞灰㑦혰閭奄調쭙꺐 - Ꝧ﮹

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The year is 2001. Do teenagers have different goals and dreams in this new century? Or are they still in search of the same things. Fame? Material wealth? Success? Recognition? Love? Or just a momentary satisfaction of the senses? What do they have to give up in return for their ideals? Is the popular saying "youth knows no regret" still true?

Every era has its own distinct culture and symbols. There has not been any Space Odyssey in the year 2001. Our enemies are not really extra-terrestrial aliens or transformed man-apes but ourselves. It is not easy to find a direction for oneself in an age of information explosion with brand names becoming fetishes, and porn and soft drugs flooding the streets. It is especially difficult for naive teenagers new to the games of the adult world.

"Y2K + 01" tells the story of one of these teenagers, YU Man-lok, a bright student in a prestigious school. Pampered and spoiled, Man-lok has not known any setbacks in his life until he involved Or-tsai, a pizza delivery boy whose great ambition in life is to become a dance instructor, in a drunk-driving accident. This accident caused the lives of these two young men from two different worlds to entwine with each other.

The traffic mishap not only puts Or-tsai into a coma, it also shatters he and his friends' dream of setting up a dance studio. Lo Yeh (Or-tsai's bosom friend), Ah Ben, Siu-chai and Ah Yu (Or-tsai's girlfriend) have grown up together in a public housing estate. They were "losers" in most people's eyes. However, their determination to be successful in a money-making enterprise is beyond the comprehension of YU Man-lok, who is used to privileges.

When Or-tsai was in a coma, Ah Lok meets Ah Yu and is drawn into their circle. Ah Lok resorts to lies to avoid their suspicion. To compensate for his lying, he helps them to materialize their business dream. Gradually, friendship grows between these unlikely friends. At the same time, Ah Lok and Ah Yu begin to develop feelings for each other.

Racked with guilt, Ah Lok eventually confesses to Yu. This coincides with Or-tsai regaining consciousness. But he wakes up to find everything and everyone changed. What will he do? Who will Yu choose? Will Ah Lok lose their friendship? How will he resolve his guilt? After a long vacation, what have these young people learned?


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2001ږ㦑ఱꭳ 2001 RTHK Awarded Programmes
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