Programme Information 핸隙

A Tale of Three Tongues睭The Runaway Bride


The 27th Annual Telly Awards - Silver Award 27홥쉰調斗ﵾ꺐 ﷿ 


Chicago International Television Awards(2006) ﷿Certificate of Merit ﺶ푡푡療㑦혰閭奄調쭙꺐 -鹞牱


Media ၞ꽾 Real ၞ꽾


Man慲㥥䩭᏿﷿﷿슀檑䑑調굺ᑎⱐ䁟魩굺﷿﷿moon慲㙲㥥㩿随军﷿﷿⿿﯍ⱐ䲈军뎁﷿﮹魩⩿䑑军纆튋﷿⊈゗佧钙調﷿Œၬ힀ږ㦑﷿ﺶ﷈䦕慲⩻쑜陋䑑军䡙﷿慲詟﷿﷿﷒䲞﷿灰﷿﷿쀃칶﷿궔ⲕ殈踤鉺﯋牥慲ѻ魩ﶹ字﷿⊈扠颗灰袟䦕䡙慲⩻쑜﷿ⲕ﷿肟Ꙕ﷿扠䁷橛灰ᩮ䩕we don't speak the same language


Moon and Man knew each other in a Putonghua course. They fell in love and got married very soon.

Grown up in the U.K., Moon did not understand the Chinese traditions well and could neither speak good Cantonese. On the other hand, Man was a Hongkonger and could not speak English or Putonghua well.

At their wedding, three languages were spoken. The difference in eastern and western cultures gave rise to some unnecessary misunderstandings.

䩕 We don't speak the same language 蒅 said the bride, who suddenly walked away in the middle of the ceremony ﷿ ..


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