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The Common Sense﷿"Moving House"

1997 혰閭奄調쭙嵗꺐䤰㺞 (ﱶ﹖론﷿)
1997 Chicago International Film & Television Festival --Gold Plaque Award

0ږ㦑佧詟啐匰퉔㴢₌﷿﷿₌垞﷿ﯕҐɒ﷿඄﷿﷿橛﷿瑓͗㑿瑓﷿镛榈ܱ肟﷿⁒驜﷿륞ﲹդ袟๺﷿ꎋ䅦慲䱲䱲﷿乣ᅮ숰㪞﷿絶䱢﷿靼﷿䶖驜剢뼃﷿灰袟욈ꊐ﷿灰袟輸㝵蝳﷿詟꽭Ґ쑜䶖坸㑦慲坙땫ǿ ⿿﯍ﶹ핸﷿ꑎ䲞὿쑜㑮匰퉔慲퍫蘤ǿ

0About 30,000 elderly people live alone in Hong Kong's public housing estates. The programme producer visited two ladies, lived alone, both of them in their eighties as their homes came up for demolition. These aging residents have to face the prospect of leaving their familiar neighborhoods and adapting to new surroundings all over again whether they like it or not. "Caring for our elderlies", this is what the documentary aims at.

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