

战火无情之一战启示录 星期二 晚上9:30





    第一次世界大战牺牲了一整个世代的人,究竟这惨剧是否可以避免呢?二次大战的导火线是否早在第一次大战所造成的破坏与凡尔赛条约的实施下便已暗中埋下了? 本纪录片走遍全球多个地方,搜罗三百多小时资料片段,以多角度,透过个人与及细腻描述的方式追踪那些寂寂无名的小人物或声名显赫的将领走过的脚步,看看他们如何在这段史无前例,充满野蛮血腥的战争中挣扎求存。

    In conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War on November 11, 2018, this series explores how World War I changed the world.

    Was the sacrifice of an entire generation worldwide an avoidable or a necessary tragedy? Are the roots of World War II to be found in the devastation of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles? This series seeks to address such questions using a global and all-encompassing yet personal and sensitive approach, drawing from over 300 hours of archival footage and tracing the journeys of the civilians and soldiers across the world, anonymous or well-known, who fought for survival in this unprecedented period in human history, both heroic and barbaric…