Events 活动内容
Operation Santa Claus’ ‘From Hong Kong with Love’ campaign raises over HK$15.2 million to support 13 charity projects

Operation Santa Claus (OSC) continued to make a difference in Hong Kong with its 2019 campaign ‘From Hong Kong with Love’ raising more than HK$15.2 million in donations, providing hope and a bright spark in the new year despite such difficult times.

Aimed at sharing the gift of hope and kindness to brighten the lives of the needy, the annual fundraising campaign coordinated community-wide charity events that supported 13 beneficiaries which continue to contribute to causes that serve children and youth, as well as individuals with physical and mental disabilities.

OSC, which is jointly organised by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 3 and the South China Morning Post (SCMP), also celebrated the successful campaign by announcing four awards to noteworthy schools and corporations for their fundraising efforts. They are:

- Top Corporate Fundraiser - Morgan Stanley

- Most Creative Corporate Fundraiser - Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital

- Top School Fundraiser - Discovery Mind Educational Organisation

- Most Creative School Fundraiser - Shung Tak Catholic English College

This year’s campaign also welcomed new donors including Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, Hong Kong Disneyland, the Consulate General of Sweden and ESF Shatin Junior School, contributing to support OSC’s cause. OSC also benefited from the support of its two high-profile ambassadors in Olympic swimmer Stephanie AU and local celebrity Pakho CHAU, who visited Hong Kong Disneyland to promote sales of its charity postcards, as well as the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital’s to participate at its fundraising carnival.

“I couldn't be prouder of our wonderful community and my colleagues and friends at RTHK and the SCMP for the amazing results they have achieved in three short, difficult months. As you're just about to find out Hong Kong's spirit is as strong as ever.” said LEUNG Ka-wing, Director of Broadcasting, RTHK.

Said Gary LIU, SCMP CEO, “I am incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished together. It gives Mr LEUNG and I great pleasure to announce that we have exceeded our donations target in support of our 13 beneficiaries, whose work is vital to Hong Kong and deserve our attention and contribution. We look forward to many more years of serving our community through OSC - together, we will elevate this city and make a lasting difference.”

「爱心圣诞大行动2019」筹逾港币1,520万 资助13个本地慈善项目



「爱心圣诞大行动」每年颁发多个奖项,以表扬参与团体的鼎力支持和卓越筹款活动构思。今年,「最高筹款大奖(学校)」由弘志教育机构(Discovery Mind Educational Organisation)蝉联;而天主教崇德英文书院(Shung Tak Catholic English College)则蝉联「最具创意大奖(学校)」。除学校外,多间企业亦发挥「乐善好施」的精神。「最高筹款大奖(企业)」由摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)蝉联;养和医院(Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital)则勇夺「最具创意大奖(企业)」。


