「港台教育展缤纷教育节目」图片展览暨开幕综合表演 日期:1986年11月16日 司仪:梁家辉、车淑梅 表演嘉宾:陈美玲、陈慧娴、蔡国权、张卫健 香港电台、房屋署联合主办
Asia Pacific Union 33th General Assembly 1996 Hong Kong was organized by Radio Television Hong Kong and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
English poster targeted at students Produced by ETV
"call live and loud on 3388266" a poster to encourage citizen to phone in and express their opinion
Poster of an audio programme "Teen Time" on Radio 3 Produced by RTHK and Education Department
Tune in join in
《T恤 波鞋 牛仔裤》于1982年11月20日起,每逢星期六晚上在亚洲电视中文台播映。