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英语篇 #17 工作相关的英文用语


英语篇 #17 工作相关的英文用语

1. Do you know people like that in the office -
○ 刷鞋仔: Apple polisher / yes man
There are also colleagues who just can’t say no.
○ People may take advantage of you if you are too nice.

2. Instead of saying “no”, what can we say? (useful on emails as well)
○ I regret to inform you…(that we cannot accommodate 迁就/容纳 your request)
○ I am afraid I cannot…(offer you a refund on this product)
○ Unfortunately, due to circumstances, we cannot …(deliver the product to you on time)

3. Sometimes, it’s not good to just say ‘no!’ Instead you can give them alternatives:
● I am sorry that hasn’t worked out, what we can do is…(offer you compensation 补偿)
● I can understand your point of view, how about we do this instead.
● You’ve made some valid 有效 points, perhaps we can compromise 妥协 and…….
(The security system has been compromised. 保安系统已被破坏)
● I agree with you, but can we add…(more staff to help out at the event)

4. How to politely chase someone for their work
● Is there any chance that you can get it done sooner?
● Where are you on this project?
● I don’t mean to rush you but the client has been chasing me. 唔洗急最紧要快 (chase - 追赶)
● I would just like to follow up on the progress. (US and UK pronunciation)

5. Different work personality types.
● The Driver; data and results-minded person. Someone who is decisive 决定性,focused and wants to try new things.
● The Integrator; someone who builds relationships and boosts morale 鼓舞士气. Someone who is diplomatic 懂得外交 and empathetic 善解人意.
● The Guardian; someone who maintains structure 保持结构 and order. It is someone who is reserved 含蓄, but they are methodical 有方法的 and detailed oriented 做事细心仔细.
● The Pioneer; a risk-taker 冒险者. These people are often leaders, they are outgoing, they see the bigger picture, and are confident.

1. Work-life balance

Westernized companies might have a better emphasis on work-life balance.
● They would allow flextime 自由工作时间. You can choose your work hours.
● WFH.
○ I think because of Covid and technology, it has changed the way we work and has allowed us, the employees, to spend more time at home.
■ A lot of big companies are downsizing (downsize - (使)减员) their offices.
■ A lot of companies offer a hybrid model 混合模式 of working from home 1-2 days and then at the office for the rest of the week.
● Countries such as the UK, Belgium, and many Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden, etc.) are implementing 实施 a 4-day work week.
● New World HK has also implemented a 4.5 half-day work week.

2. Studies show that working longer hours doesn’t make you more productive.
● The ideal number of hours you should work per week is 38-hours according to Denmark, consistently one of the happiest countries in the world. Studies have also shown you should take 6 weeks off per year to obtain optimal 最佳 happiness.
● Studies in Iceland also show that you are 13% more productive when you are happy.
● Americans are not taking half of their vacation days. Studies have shown that ⅔ of Americans even work on their holidays.
● The World Health Organisation said that if you work on average of 55 hours or more each week, you increase the risk of stroke by 35%, and the risk of dying from heart disease by 17%, compared to people who only work on average 35-40 hours per week.


《语妙天下》(Language Academy) 推出新一辑英语篇,选取了历史性的演讲词,学习如何透过语言说服和打动人;另外还有Miss Maggie的实用笔记,为公开试考生加油!
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