Family Matters
When a family dispute occurs and legal recourse is sought, the problems involved are usually more complicated than that of other cases. In the 1970’s, i.e. the early days of the Legal Aid Department (LAD) after its establishment, LAD started to handle cases related to family law litigation. These cases usually involve arguments over issues like divorce, alimony and child custody, and the situations are always complex. A woman from Africa who takes root in Hong Kong and a father who had gone astray seek legal aid on divorce and child custody respectively. It is really a great challenge for the lawyer team of LAD who specialises in domestic affairs to adopt a compassionate and rational approach when providing legal support to the aided persons.
The documentary “Legal Aid - A Gateway to Justice 法援之道 ” is a co-production of Radio Television Hong Kong and the Legal Aid Department. It is a television series of six half hour episodes which will start broadcasting from 24th October 2022. The series features true legal aid cases showcasing how the Department safeguarded equality before the law and strived to serve the community in the past half century by telling stories about the Department’s history, development, and its services for Hong Kong. Whether they are criminal cases, personal injuries claims, or matrimonial disputes involving custody of their children, the Department will ensure that qualified applicants will not be deprived of justice because of lack of means. The “Legal Aid - A Gateway to Justice 法援之道 ” is a programme recording the Legal Aid Department’s effort for the past 50 years pursuit in serving the community and its contribution in upholding the Rule of Law.