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Story of Hong Kong

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From a little fish village to an international financial centre, Hong Kong has experienced a lot of changes. We would like to invite you to look back to the history of Hong Kong, the story of our home.
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《Hong Kong Heritage》 Andy Neilson – 40 Years in Hong Kong


《Hong Kong Heritage》 Andy Neilson – 40 Years in Hong Kong

Scotsman Andy Neilson left his native Glasgow in 1977 to come to Hong Kong after five years as a Royal Marine. He came here on a three-contract with the Royal Hong Kong Police. With his then wife and longtime business partner Laura McAllister he would found the pubs Mad Dogs and Joe Banana’s as well as following his passion for model soldiers. He is now the co-founder and creative director of King and Country. Andy looks back over 40 years in Hong Kong.
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