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本年度 Speaker of the Year,亦告诞生!请即浏览「得奖者」名单。十强位位言之有物,请按此收听总决赛精华

总决赛评审包括:香港中文大学英语教育单位 高级讲师 张悦莹博士、2019-2020年度国际演讲会89大区总监兼杰出讲员 黄重生先生,以及香港电台英文台台长 Hugh Chiverton。

The Speaker 2021 is honoured to share 150 ideas about "home".

Find out who’s our Speaker of the Year access "NOW! And don’t miss out on the terrific performance of our Top Ten finalists.
Members of the Grand Final adjudicatory panel included Dr. Olive Cheung, Senior Lecturer of English Language Teaching Unit, CUHK, Mr. Talis Wong, District 89 Director (2019-2020) and Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmasters International, as well as Mr. Hugh Chiverton, Head of RTHK English Programme Service.


香港作为国际都会,无论学术交流还是跨国商贸往来,均多以英语进行。帮助年轻一代克服对英语的紧张,流畅自信地与别人交流,连结各方以成好事,对我们的未来发展甚有裨益。有见及此,香港电台文教组自2015年起举办「The Speaker全港中学生英语演讲比赛」,鼓励学生就特定题目发表演说,让他们发挥创意、培养思辩能力。

重温以往比赛盛况 >>

First launched in 2015, 'The Speaker' English Public Speaking Contest aspires to promoting the art of English public speaking among the youth. From prepared speech to impromptu speaking, from speaking to a camera to speaking to a crowd, we encourage secondary school students to explore the wide world of public speaking with their peers. It might be mind-boggling, but it is also full of fun!

You may watch or listen to our previous shows here. >>

1.2021 公布入围名单 Announcement of semi-finalists
1.2021 复赛选拔 Semi-final
1.2021 公布十强名单 Announcement of Finalists
2.2021 总决赛 Grand Final