主持人:Noreen Mir
Brunch with Noreen is packed full of radio goodness. We've got human interest stories, social issues, wellness, the latest on what’s happening around Hong Kong, and plenty of your favourite music.
Welcome to Friday's Brunch with Noreen. At 10.10 we're chatting with fitness coach Nathan Solia about hip pain. After 11, we're going to hear an except from last week's edition Lion Rockers with Benedikt Fohr, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, who shares how he discovered his passion for promoting classical music. Do get in touch with your song requests and comments on Facebook. Weekdays 10:05am -12pm... on Radio 3
主持人:Noreen Mir
On Thursday’s Brunch with Noreen, we're bringing you '讲。香港'/ Talk about Hong Kong, and this week Angie Man will talk about how the word examine is used in Cantonese phrases. After 11, we're talking about eastern-western comparison in higher education, with Dr Lili Yang, who's an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. Do get in touch with your song requests and comments on Facebook.