ᄊᄚ -- ᄀuᄂᄉᄂᄃڡAᄃڤڤ³ᄀv
Hong Kong Connection -- "Waste Not, Want Not"

ᆰF ᄄᄇᄂK ᆭ^ ᆭa ᄇy ᄍᆲM ᄍᄈ ᄇᄑ -- ᄈ ᄄq ᄑbr> The 8th Tokyo Global Environmental Film Festival - Excellence Prize
ᄂ@ ᄂE ᄂE ᄂE ᆵᆲᄐv ᄍq ᄉ-- ᄇᄃ ᄐq ᄉ﾿ᄌT ᄌ` ᆬ- ᄍᄂᆬᄎAᄀ^
The New York Festival 1999 - Finalist Certificate ᄀ]Television Documentary & Information Programme - Environment & Ecologyᄀ^

ᆬᆱe ᄀA ᆳᄏ ᄡᆳ ᄃᄀ ᄄC ᄂᄈ ᄂK ᄂd ᄂC ᆭᄒᄋ ミm ᆬᆱ ᄅT ᄐo ᆰᆱ ᄊᆳᄂJ ᄚ ᄀA ᆭ ᄋᄂ ᄅ ᄐo ᆰᆱ ᆭᆬ ᄂG ᄂQ ᄂᄏ ᄀA ᆭᄈo ᄄᄅ ᄐo ᆰᆱ ᆬD ᆳn ᆭᄄ ᆬ ᆳᄍ ᆰᆱ ᄡᄎ ᄀA ᄃY ᆳᄏ ᄡH ᄄC ᄂh ᄆᄐ ᆰ ᄂd ᄒᄋ ᆳᄍ ᆰᆱ ᄡᄎ ᄀC

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While people in many parts of the world are on the verge of starvation, Hong Kong quite unashamedly throws away at least 2,000 tons of leftovers every day. Now Cathay Pacific, whose air transport business is responsible for some of the worst food wastage, is trying to play the lead in an exercise to collect leftovers throughout Hong Kong and turn them into animal feed. What difficulties are there to overcome? Is government support forthcoming? How does the public respond? Join us in this episode for WASTE NOT, WANT NOT on Hong Kong Connection.