ᄊǴCᆲKᆲǴ- ᄀuᄂᄏᆬ| -- ᄂQᆭ~ᆭ^ᄆǴ
Media Watch -- "10th Anniversary of June 4th Incident"

ᄇᄂT ᄂQ ᄂᄏ ᄅᄀ ᆰᆬ[ ᆳ ᄏᄍq ᄐv ᄍq ᄉ-- ᆰ ᄀ]ᄂᄑ ᆭ@ ᄄᄚ/ ᄋs ᄏD ﾿
The 36th Chicago International Film Festival -- Gold Plaqueᄀ]Public Affairs / Video News Releaseᄀ^

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"Media Watch" provides news, views and analysis of Hong Kong's media world on a weekly basis. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the June 4th incident in Beijing, this episode examines how the local media reported, and still responded to the incident, and features a report on how a cartoonist and two youngsters work to tell the younger generation what happened 10 years ago.