



    监制:Margaret Liu


    I&T, Logistics, Infrastructure, and High-End Manufacturing

    I&T is a core pillar of sustainable economic development in Hong Kong, and the government has invested vast resources into the sector in recent years. As the number of projects backed by both public and private funding continue to grow, the local I&T ecosystem is gradually flourishing.

    In this episode, we will look at how three overseas and mainland Chinese companies are leveraging Hong Kong’s advantages as a base of operations to break into the international and mainland markets. Founded in 1986, Ushio Hong Kong is a Japanese-owned enterprise located in Yuen Long Industrial Estate. It has been actively developing AI and robotics technologies in recent years, as well as working with many local startups to create various electronic products.

    In addition, Hong Kong is actively promoting the transition to a smart city, in which self-driving vehicles play an essential role. Two mainland Chinese companies – Uisee and Westwell – have each introduced an advanced driverless and management system at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and Kwai Tsing Container Terminals respectively. InvestHK has seized this opportune timing to provide them with comprehensive support in developing their business in Hong Kong.

    The all-encompassing nature of the Hong Kong market creates new business opportunities for all industries, making the city an ideal place to conduct business. The two mainland autonomous vehicle companies hope to expand internationally by establishing their base of operations in Hong Kong.


    • Family Office

      Family Office

      Family Offices

      Family offices are companies that specialise in providing investment, financial, and succession planning services to high-net-worth families. As a major asset and wealth management centre in Asia, Hong Kong has attracted numerous family offices to set up here. To enhance our city’s status as an all-encompassing international financial hub, InvestHK not only assists with the establishment of family offices, but also aids the industry in seizing this new investment opportunity.

      The enormous assets managed by family offices are diverted towards various investment projects, benefiting Hong Kong’s overall economy in the long term. InvestHK’s designated family office team actively organises a diverse range of seminars for different clients to help family offices with potential to grow further.

      In this episode, we will introduce two family offices. Through a series of interviews, we will learn about the advantages of investing in Hong Kong. We will also have an in-depth dialogue with InvestHK to find out how the organisation has been supporting and assisting family offices through various channels over the years, so as to enable them to grow faster than expected. What practical assistance does InvestHK provide to its clients to help them develop so rapidly?

    • Innovation and Technology

      Innovation and Technology

      I&T, Logistics, Infrastructure, and High-End Manufacturing

      I&T is a core pillar of sustainable economic development in Hong Kong, and the government has invested vast resources into the sector in recent years. As the number of projects backed by both public and private funding continue to grow, the local I&T ecosystem is gradually flourishing.

      In this episode, we will look at how three overseas and mainland Chinese companies are leveraging Hong Kong’s advantages as a base of operations to break into the international and mainland markets. Founded in 1986, Ushio Hong Kong is a Japanese-owned enterprise located in Yuen Long Industrial Estate. It has been actively developing AI and robotics technologies in recent years, as well as working with many local startups to create various electronic products.

      In addition, Hong Kong is actively promoting the transition to a smart city, in which self-driving vehicles play an essential role. Two mainland Chinese companies – Uisee and Westwell – have each introduced an advanced driverless and management system at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and Kwai Tsing Container Terminals respectively. InvestHK has seized this opportune timing to provide them with comprehensive support in developing their business in Hong Kong.

      The all-encompassing nature of the Hong Kong market creates new business opportunities for all industries, making the city an ideal place to conduct business. The two mainland autonomous vehicle companies hope to expand internationally by establishing their base of operations in Hong Kong.

    • GBA - Business and Professional Services

      GBA - Business and Professional Services

      The Greater Bay Area

      Hong Kong plays a crucial role in the burgeoning development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), and InvestHK has made significant contributions in facilitating the region’s prosperity. It has especially set up a professional GBA team to provide enterprises with vast opportunities, helping its clients in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region connect with the rest of the world by making full use of Hong Kong’s geographical advantages as Asia’s business hub.

      In this episode, we will introduce two companies that have expanded their business into the GBA: Ernst & Young and Paul Lafayet. Through a series of interviews, we will learn about the advantages of investing in the GBA. We will also have an in-depth dialogue with InvestHK to find out how the organisation works with its clients to tap into the GBA market and connect with mainland China.

      By collaborating with InvestHK and bringing industry leaders from around the world to share their expertise, companies can expand rapidly in Hong Kong and the GBA to reach greater heights.

    • Consumer Product

      Consumer Product

      Consumer Products

      According to the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong will exceed 30 million in 2023. In addition to being a lucrative market in its own right, Hong Kong also provides businesses with opportunities to expand into the mainland China market. Thanks to the city's reputation as a "shopping paradise", as well as its strategic geographical location, professionals in the consumer goods industry can easily connect with suppliers and customers in Hong Kong.

      Founded in 1848, Lao Feng Xiang is a leading jewellery brand in mainland China. With the assistance of InvestHK, it gradually came to understand the Hong Kong market and local consumer culture, which helped lay the foundation for the brand's internationalisation and global expansion. Meanwhile, @cosme is a cosmetics and beauty website founded in Japan in 1999. Since entering the Hong Kong market in 2019, the brand has endured the COVID-19 pandemic and opened three stores. InvestHK has also been providing support to this company, in the hope of enabling it to gain a firm foothold in the city and expand further.
