

10月29日起 逢星期二晚上9:30



    俄罗斯,世界上幅员最广阔的国家。许多人可能对这国家都存有误解,但有更多有人对她充满恐惧。在过去的一个世纪,俄罗斯的历史与国安部门的历史息息相关。苏联政权把国安部门用作打压和清除异见分子的工具,数百万人遭其迫害,饱受痛苦。大规模处决、秘密战争、鼓吹政变、窃取美国原子弹资料的间谍、黑客攻击和落毒丑闻等等事件都令这情报机关变成世界上最非比寻常又危险的国家安全网络。纵然今天的俄罗斯已经发生了许多变化,但国家安全网络的规模,可以说比以往有过之而无不及,背后的原因跟一个默默无闻的中校崛起有关,随后他更成为这个大国的总统,他就是弗拉基米尔‧普京。 本纪录片系列由曾荣获四个艾美奖的纪录片导演占美•多伦执导,并访问了前秘密警察及受害者,诉说昔日的种种。

    Russia is the largest country on earth. Misunderstood by many and feared by even more. For the past century, Russian history has also been the history of its security services. They were used by the Soviet state to crush dissent. Millions suffered at their hands. Mass executions, secret wars, coup d’états, spies capable of stealing the atomic bomb from America, hacking and poisoning scandals all add up to the most extraordinary and dangerous security network the world has ever known. But while many things have changed in today’s Russia, that security network is arguably stronger than ever. And the reason behind this is the rise of a lowly lieutenant colonel to President of this vast country, Vladimir Putin.

    Directed and produced by 4 x Emmy Award-winner, Jamie Doran, this is the story of the KGB told by its veterans AND its victims.