



监制:李庆华 Vincent Lee

香港电台的「无限领域」节目踏入第十个年头。庆祝活动是于香港文化中心露天广场举行马拉松式的大型户外音乐会,音乐会更是今年「新视野艺术节」的节目之一。一如以往,「无限领域」联同各国的驻港机构及领事馆,透过音乐表演,为香港乐迷带来不同的文化特色。为了今次盛会,奥地利的Georg Gratzer and Beefolk会再次将欧洲的室乐精神融入亚洲特色,荷兰的Jam de la Crème演奏充满爵士、摇滚及迷幻曲风的音乐,还有初次参与「无限领域」的瑞士劲旅Claude Diallo Situation也会为香港乐迷带来不一样的风情。
Music Beyond Borders 10th Anniversary Concert is coming with a big change in venue - outdoors at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza C (as part of the New Vision Arts Festival 2012).  Two past Music Beyond Borders artists return: Award winning Dutch saxophonist Yuri Honing, cannot come to HK due to illness. The members “Jam de la Crème” will play Honing's music - a mixture of jazz, rock and quasi-psychadelia. Austria’s “Georg Gratzer and Beefolk”, who gained quite a following on their last visit here. To mark the start of another 10 years of Music Beyond Borders to come will be the “Claude Diallo Situation” from Switzerland taking part in the project for the first time.

This programme will be on air at 8:30pm on 25 November 2012 ATV World.

演出 Performers
Georg Gratzer & Beefólk
Claude Diallo Situation
with special guest Hendrik Meurkens
Jam de la Crème

特备网站 Special web-site:

编导:林建南       Producer: Edde Lam