






    Follow the footsteps of an international mission developing groundbreaking solutions to save the Great Barrier Reef and its 9,000 unique species from destruction.

    These species interact with the coral to form a complex and delicate ecosystem dependent on each other for survival. Yet today the coral—and therefore all the organisms that depend on it—is gravely at risk. In a visually stunning series of one the most beautiful natural habitats on Earth, our international award winning crew has followed a  
    team of scientists for 5 years. Their mission is to develop groundbreaking technological solutions to save the GBR from destruction.




    Whales, manta rays, whale sharks are all eaters of animal plankton or small fish, themselves huge consumers of vegetable plankton. These marine algae produce half of the oxygen on earth and capture 40% of the carbon dioxide.But the global role of the Mastodonts is hardly believable. By swallowing plankton and the small animals that feed on them, these giants capture and store carbon in their fat. When they die, they sink into the abyss where the carbon remains trapped for thousands of years. For example, one whale captures as much carbon each year as a thousand trees.
    These giants are real allies in regulating the climate and restoring reef productivity. The programme for identifying these new feeding areas is easily reproducible in all the areas concerned around the world.

    网上重温至 26/02/2025


    RTHK 31
    • 保护海洋巨人 Protecting Megamouths

      保护海洋巨人 Protecting Megamouths


      Whales, manta rays, whale sharks are all eaters of animal plankton or small fish, themselves huge consumers of vegetable plankton. These marine algae produce half of the oxygen on earth and capture 40% of the carbon dioxide.But the global role of the Mastodonts is hardly believable. By swallowing plankton and the small animals that feed on them, these giants capture and store carbon in their fat. When they die, they sink into the abyss where the carbon remains trapped for thousands of years. For example, one whale captures as much carbon each year as a thousand trees.
      These giants are real allies in regulating the climate and restoring reef productivity. The programme for identifying these new feeding areas is easily reproducible in all the areas concerned around the world.

    • 复育珊瑚礁 Resurrecting The Reef

      复育珊瑚礁 Resurrecting The Reef


      Over the past 30 years, the world has lost nearly one-third of its coral reefs.More than one billion people depand on reefs for food and hunderds of thousands of people depend on them for their livelihoods.
      From the most recently developed killer robots to shellfish farming, ultra-modern tactics are now proving their worth in the Great Barrier Reef to ensure the survival of this natural wonder that is the coral world and to make it possible to export this know-how to many of the world’s reefs.

    • 拯救雷恩岛绿海龟 Rescuing The Turtles In Raine Island

      拯救雷恩岛绿海龟 Rescuing The Turtles In Raine Island


      Of the seven species of sea turtles, all are classified as vulnerable, endangered or on the edge of extinction. One of the main reasons for this is the degradation of their nesting spots.
      Raine Island is also the most important seabird rookery in the Great Barrier Reef— home to 20,000 breeding pairs of Frigates and Boobies. Their survival is intimately tied to that of the turtle colony, because without young turtles to feed on, seabird numbers would collapse, too.
