





    1970年,俄亥俄州的肯特州立大学校园内,正进行一场反越战的抗议示威,期间国民警卫队开枪射杀四名大学生,警察的粗暴镇压令人震惊。数星期之后,Neil Young将他的满腔义愤灌注于一首名为「俄亥俄」的歌曲,这首激荡人心的歌曲很快便得到发行,并在电台上播放。
    越战期间,大量涌现受政治催生的流行音乐,这可能是美国史上抗议歌曲最沸腾的时代。Buffalo Springfield、Phil Ochs和Edwin Starr的歌曲宣扬反战的讯息,同时又为战场上的士兵奏起军旅生涯的配乐。歌者用音乐抗议政府的举措,以行使美国公民的基本权利。步入抗议浪潮日益高涨的时代,音乐如何在社会进程上扮演不可或缺的角色,是值得我们探讨的主题。

    双语广播:粤语/英语 (电视版)

    播放频道: 港台电视31、31A
    播出时间: (首播) 2017年9月19日 星期二 晚上9时30分
    (重温) 2017年9月20日 星期三 凌晨12时30分
    2017年9月20日 星期三 上午10时正

    Kent State and Vietnam War

    In a truly unimaginable act of police brutality, national guardsmen shot and killed four college students during an anti-Vietnam war protest on the Kent State University campus in Ohio in 1970. Just weeks later, Neil Young channeled his rage into a haunting song called “Ohio”, which was released and played on the radio almost immediately.
    Perhaps no other era in American history saw such an intense outpouring of politically driven popular music as the years around the Vietnam War. Songs from Buffalo Springfield, Phil Ochs, and Edwin Starr were explicit in their anti-war messaging while also providing a soundtrack for soldiers in the battlefield. These artists were exercising their fundamental American right to protest government actions, and in a newly ascendant age of protest it is worth exploring the vital role that music can play in society.

    Bilingual: Cantonese/ Englsih (TV Version)

    Channel: RTHK 31 & 31A
    Time: (First run) 2017.9.19 Tue 9:30pm
    (Re-run) 2017.9.20 Wed 12:30am
    2017.9.20 Wed 10:00am