





    1969年6月下旬,美国的同志运动在一夜之间激化,源于纽约格林尼治村街上一间「石墙酒吧」内发生的冲突:男女同志和跨性别人士一直饱受警察突击搜查之苦,当晚同志决心奋起反抗,拉开了同志权利运动的序幕。半个世纪以来,酒吧和夜总会一直是男女同性恋、双性恋及跨性别者的避难所,点唱机播放的音乐,随年代更迭而不断流转,从Judy Garland 到Gloria Gaynor,成为同志经验不可或缺的一部分。八九十年代,面对爱滋病肆虐、反同志法案的威胁,不但没有迫使同志社群却步,反而让同志运动的领袖和艺术家,更加坚定抗争路上的步伐。有些音乐人将同志生活写进歌词;也有些毅然出柜的同志,成为平权运动的新力军。尽管同志运动是一场持续的抗争,但不乏Lady Gaga等流行文化巨星作为同盟。本片展示了音乐的力量,如何在唤起平权意识和宣扬大爱讯息上,担当重要的角色。

    双语广播:粤语/英语 (电视版)

    播放频道: 港台电视31、31A
    播出时间: (首播) 2017年10月31日 星期二 晚上9时30分
    (重温) 2017年11月1日 星期三 凌晨12时30分
    2017年11月1日 星期三 上午10时正

    Out, Loud & Pride

    The LGBT movement in America was accelerated one night in late June, 1969 on the streets of Greenwich Village, New York, in a bar called the Stonewall Inn. When police raided the place, gay and transgender men and women who had been repeatedly targeted for raids finally decided to fight back against the police, and to demand their civil rights. Bars and dance clubs were — and still are — places of refuge for LGBT people, and the music played on jukeboxes, from Judy Garland to Gloria Gaynor, has also been a vital aspect of the LGBT experience over the past five decades. Although the 1980s and 90s brought the AIDS crisis and anti-gay legislation that threatened the LGBT community, it only strengthened the resolve of activists — and artists — to push harder. Some musicians incorporated aspects of LGBT life into their lyrics. Others have furthered the cause of equality simply by coming out of the closet. This is a struggle that is not over, but with allies in popular culture like Lady Gaga, this episode shows the power of music to raise awareness and to preach acceptance.

    Channel: RTHK 31 & 31A
    Time: (First run) 2017.10.31 Tue 9:30pm
    (Re-run) 2017.11.1 Wed 12:30am
    2017.11.1 Wed 10:00am