Governors (历任港督): Governor talks in London
Returning from the UK in May 1968, governor Sir Daivd Trench (1915-1988) reported to us about financial affairs such as banking services, currency issues and the stock market.
咬文嚼字: 胜
Governors (历任港督): 1968 Lunar New Year speech
In Sir David Trench's new year speech, he expressed his appreciation on restoration of public order after the riots in 1967.
民歌大合唱: 民歌大合唱 (新编歌乐欣赏)
卢家炽(1916-1996)是集作曲 、指挥 、演奏和理论于一身的香港粤乐大师。自六十年代担任香港电台乐队音乐总监以来,一直为推动广东音乐、粤乐艺术,贡献良多。今次为大家介绍三首由张永寿(1927-2011)改编的作品。
Governors (历任港督): Governor opens the HK Week Ceremony
After the Hong Kong riots happened in May, Hong Kong British government organized a large-scale "Hong Kong Week", which in order to increase the sense of belonging to the Hong Kong people.
Governors (历任港督): Governor speaks before the holiday to England
The Hong Kong riots began in May 1967. A labour dispute developed into large scale demonstrations against the Hong Kong British government. In the message, governor Sir David Trench (1915-1988) expresses his view on the event.
大事回顾 (Year Review): Riot
In 1967, the riots called for massive strikes and organised demonstrations in Hong Kong. This is a report from "Local Affairs".
Governors (历任港督): 1967 Lunar New Year message
Looking back at 1966, it was true that while Hong Kong had problems, on the whole the city enjoyed security, a good record of public health and a fair measure of prosperity. In the recording, Sir David Trench (1915-1988) wished all people good luck.