Examiner Insights (Transport Department)
The paper-based Driving Test Form (its duplicate is commonly known as the “yellow copy”) that has been used for years has been replaced by electronic test form in 2022. The traditional “yellow copy” requires manual compilation, verification and input of data. Digitalisation does not only enhance the work efficiency of driving test, but also shorten the time needed for the public to obtain a driving licence.
TSE Yu-sang, a Senior Driving Examiner of the Transport Department who will retire soon, has witnessed the changes in driving test throughout the years. His determination in ensuring the stability of services provided and enhancing professional standard has inspired his colleagues to pass on his spirit and experience.
TSE Yu-sang, a Senior Driving Examiner of the Transport Department who will retire soon, has witnessed the changes in driving test throughout the years. His determination in ensuring the stability of services provided and enhancing professional standard has inspired his colleagues to pass on his spirit and experience.
The Civil Service Bureau introduced the “Secretary for the Civil Service’s Commendation Award Scheme” in 2004, giving deserving civil servants recognition for consistently outstanding performance in their daily work every year.
RTHK produced 10 episodes of 5-minute TV programme featuring 10 of the award recipients and the “Secretary for the Civil Service’s Commendation Award Presentation Ceremony”.
RTHK produced 10 episodes of 5-minute TV programme featuring 10 of the award recipients and the “Secretary for the Civil Service’s Commendation Award Presentation Ceremony”.