Indian CG Interview

Dr. Serina Ha: Can you say a few words to our audience of RTHK?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: Thank you so much Serina. Thank you for having me on your programme. It is my great pleasure to be here and look forward to interacting with you and all the viewers of RTHK and the listeners on RTHK through you.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:真的非常感谢Serina,谢谢让我可以参与这个节目,我很高兴来到这里,并期待与您以及所有香港电台的观众和听众进行互动。

Dr. Serina Ha: Can you please introduce one or two significant culture of India to Hong Kong audience?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: Very difficult to answer because India is a very big and diverse country and sometimes it is difficult to pick anyone region or anyone particular culture, but all I will see is India culture of unity and diversity, the culture of having various types of people with different languages, food habits, religions, all come together and living harmoniously, that’s how to define India.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:很难回答,因为印度是一个非常庞大和多元化的国家,有时很难挑选任何地区或任何特殊文化,但是我所看到的就是印度的统一和多样性文化,即是接纳各地人的不同类型文化、语言、饮食习惯及宗教,他们都聚在一起并和谐地生活,这就是对印度的定义。

Dr. Serina Ha: Can you tell us which special culture you like in Hong Kong?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: I am very new to Hong Kong. I have been only three months ago, but I must see my first impression in Hong Kong was that it was such a vibrant international city and the fact that it also celebrate pluralism and diversity like India does and so to me what I enjoy the most about Hong Kong is the fact that I can experience the food and culture and art of almost every countries in the world, right here in Hong Kong, so to me that is the first impression and the biggest appeal to them.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:我三个月前才来到香港,所以对香港还是很陌生,但我对香港的第一印象是一个充满活力的国际城市,而且它像印度一样十分多元化和多样化,因此我很高兴可以来到这里,体验几乎每个国家的美食、文化和艺术,这就是我对香港的第一印象,以及认为最大吸引力的地方。

Dr. Serina Ha: Do you ever try any special cuisine in Hong Kong or any special places or any things specially remember in Hong Kong?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: Not yet unfortunately because Hong Kong has kept me so busy in events and it is a city where almost 7 days a week. There is an interesting event that explains, we also be a busy meeting and community in Hong Kong which is very large and very vibrant, so this is the top of my agenda and I will look forward to recommendation from you on where I can go to enjoy the local Hong Kong cuisine.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:不幸的是,由于我正在忙于香港的各种活动,而且这个城市每周有将近7天工作周,当中有不少重要的会议进行,而我是会议中的重要人物,所以我会期待着您的建议,享受香港的美食。

Dr. Serina Ha: The national flower of India is Lotus. Can you tell us your feeling of this national flower?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: Sure, the national flower of India as you mentioned is Lotus, and to Indians, it has a very very auspicious meaning. It is very special because it is the seed of God Brahma which is Indian mythology, the Creator God. He is the one who creates the universe. Lotus is also the seed of Goddess Lakshmi which is the Goddess of Wealth, so it is you know the day you reach all businessmen, worship, so it is notice for the seed for both of them. The founder of Sikhism which is Guru Nanak Dev Ji, he had mentioned teaching something beautiful about the Lotus. He said try to be in the world like Lotus because it grows in the mud, but its flower and leaves do not become dirty, signifying that we should not let negativity affect us and be pure like the Lotus.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:当然,您提到的印度国花是莲花,对印度人来说,它具有非常吉祥的含义。莲花是十分特别,因为它是印度神话中的创造者之神——梵天的种子,他创造了宇宙,而且莲花是Lakshmi天神的种子,Lakshmi是财富天神,所以所有商人都会朝拜Lakshmi,祈求财富降临。而锡克教的创立者Guru Nanak Dev Ji,他曾教导关于莲花的知识,并说过:「尝试像莲花一样生活在世界里,因为它虽然生长在泥土中,但是它的花朵和叶子都不会变脏。」这表明我们不应该让消极情绪影响我们,并且像莲花一样纯净。

Dr. Serina Ha: Can you teach us some simple Indian greetings?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: The interesting thing is that both hello and goodbye are “namaste”, in more formal term is “namaskar”. Thank you is “dhanyawad”.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:有趣的是,你好和再见都是“namaste”,更正式的说法是“namaskar”。谢谢是“ dhanyawad”。

Dr. Serina Ha: Can you teach us some popular slang nowadays in India?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: Sure, so I thought of taking few slang from different parts of the country. There are something call “chakde”, which is the popular slang to cheer someone up or it is used sometimes in sports or it is said to somebody who is going for something tough like an exam, so it is like a rough English translation will be “do well” or “all the best” or “for energy”. For the rest part of the country, a lot of people say “barobar” that means “all well” or “I agree with you” and it can be said the end of almost anything when you are discussing and when two people are talking that means “yes, yes”. From the south, “adipoli” is similar to “chakde”, means “fantastic” or “good job”. From the east, “Bhalo” means “good”. All four expressions that I spoke about expressing positivity and encouraging sad people.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:当然可以,接下来我会教一些来自印度不同的地方潮语。“Chakde”是一种流行的语,意思是「做得好」或「一切顺利」或「给予正能量」,适用于为运动员打气,或是要鼓励面对艰难情况的人,例如考生们。而在印度的其他地区,很多人都会说“barobar”,意思是「一切都好」或「我同意你」,也可以说,当您与别人的对话结束时,会表示「对」的意思。印度的南部又有不同的潮语,“adipoli”与“chakde”的意思相似,都是「很棒」或「做得好」,而在印度的东部,“Bhalo”是「好」。以上所说的四个潮语,都是表达积极性和鼓励悲伤的人。

Dr. Serina Ha: Finally, any special events you want to tell the audience lately?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: We are actually starting the festival season in India. Diwali is India’s biggest festival of lights and symbolizing the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. Before Diwali, we have three festivals which lead up to it. Navratri literally means ‘nine nights’. Throughout the nine days, people do fasting and there are traditional dances. Some Indian associations in Hong Kong also celebrate Navratri nights here. In the eastern part of India, Durga Puja is a ten-day festival, celebrating Goddess Durga’s victory over a powerful demon king. It is also called Dussehra, which literally means the tenth day of victory, a major festival celebrating the victory of Lord Rama over a demon king Ravana, in which effigies of Ravana are burnt to symbolise the eternal and inevitable victory of good over evil. In November, there is the Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev ji, the founder of the Sikhism. This year marks the 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Devji and throughout the country and across the globe, the historic occasion is being celebrated. We at the Consulate are also carrying out commemorative activities, in association with Khalsa Diwan, Hong Kong.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:实际上,印度已经开始节日季。排灯节(Diwali)是印度最大的灯会,象征着光明战胜黑暗、善良战胜邪恶和知识胜过愚昧,而在排灯节之前,我们会举办三个节日,第一个是九夜节(Navratri),它的字面意思是「九晚」,在整整九天的时间里,人们禁食,以及表演传统舞蹈,香港的印度协会也会在晚上庆祝九夜节。在印度东部,杜嘉菩萨节(Durga Puja)是一个十天的节日,庆祝天神杜嘉(Durga)击败强大的恶魔。九夜节(Navratri)和杜嘉菩萨节(Durga Puja)也被称为十胜节(Dussehra),意味着胜利的第十天,是庆祝君主Rama击败恶魔国王Ravana的重要节日,其中燃烧Ravana的肖像象征着邪恶是永恒不能得到胜利。在11月,有锡克教创立者Guru Nanak Dev Ji的诞辰纪念日,今年是他诞辰第550周年,在全国以至全球内,这是历史性的庆祝时刻,我们领事馆也与香港Khalsa Diwan合作,开展一系列的纪念活动。

Dr. Serina Ha: Are there any words to say to our audience through the programme?


Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan: Thank you very much for this opportunity and for being able to share culture of India and we welcome all listeners and everybody in RTHK to be a part of Indian celebration of various festivals and events throughout the year. The Consulate would love to able to share every aspects of our very vibrant democracy, the art, the culture, the music, the food, the dances. There are so much to share and learn about India and through your programme or other events if we able to reach out, these HongKongers a little more about India, I think it will be my job well-done.

印度驻港总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan:真的非常感谢有这样的机会分享印度的文化,我们欢迎香港电台的所有听众和所有人参与印度的各种庆祝节日和活动,亦希望能够分享我们充满活力的多样化、艺术、文化、音乐、美食及舞蹈。如果我们能够分享更多关于印度的信息,并且可以通过是次节目或其他活动来让香港人了解印度,这让我认为我的工作真的做得不错呢!

驻香港印度总领事Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan