香港为多元文化的社会 、在这里大家互相尊重及包容。

想起韩国、你会想起泡菜、k-pop 或是朴宝剑?

这天探访驻香港韩国总领事馆 , 韩国人十分注重礼节及专卑礼仪、很重视交往及友情,而喜爱日本文化的我, 曾经有一押花作品在2015 年在韩国高阳市得到奬, 并在驻香港韩国文化院举行个人的展览。





on August 28, 2019


Hello, Nei Hou, 안녕하세요. I am Kim Weon-Jin

Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong.

1. Famous and unique festival or events in your country?

I’d like to introduce two upcoming events to you at this time of the year.

For those of you planning to visit Korea, Seoul Street Arts Festival in October is the one I’d recommend. Just at the heart of Seoul, you can see various street arts and performances set up in outdoor spaces. Hong Kongers and other visitors are all

welcome to come and find the sophisticated pleasure among the hustle and bustle of the city.

If you will stay in Hong Kong or visit Hong Kong, you are all invited to our annual Festive Korea in coming October. Outstanding performances, exhibitions and various cultural programs will be brought to you directly from Korea. Please don’t miss this chance to explore the diverse colors and the beauty of Korean culture in Hong Kong.

2. Related stories and history of your national flower.

Korean national flower is “무궁화(Mugunghwa)”, the rose of Sharon. This flower blossoms again after seemingly having faded away. So in Korean language, 무궁화(Mugunghwa) literally means ‘eternal blossom that never fades’, and stands for persistent energy of Korean people.

So, it was natural for us to adopt it as the national flower after we established the Korean Government in 1948. Now, the image of 무궁화(Mugunghwa) is included

on the Seal of Korea, and other badges or logos of national organizations.

3. What is your favorite culture about Hong Kong?

What I like the most about Hong Kong is that, even though it is a very modern city, Hong Kong is well preserving a lot of traditional culture at the same time.

From the traditional Dragon boat race Festival to the modern fireworks in New Year’s eve, I enjoy very much Hong Kong’s abundant diversity of culture.

4. Can you teach our audience some popular slangs in your language?

It looks like that young generation would like to make acronyms for everything these days. One of the popular one that I know and feel rather comfortable to use, is ‘소확행’ (小确幸).

It is an abbreviation for a phrase, meaning small but guaranteed happiness. Here’s a sample sentence; if you visit Korea this Autumn, I’m sure you can find your 소확행(小确幸). Please visit and enjoy Korea.

5. Wrapping up

I am Kim Won-jin, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong, and you are listening to Serina Ha – Cultural Garden.


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