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Covid-19 vaccine discussion: David Hui, government health expert on Covid-19 & Alex Lam, Chairman of


Covid-19 vaccine discussion: David Hui, government health expert on Covid-19 & Alex Lam, Chairman of

Happy new year and welcome to The Pulse.

2020 has been a year that many will be happy to see go. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought great disruption and many losses, both personally and economically, all around the world. We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of living and behaving because of the virus, and the coronavirus lifestyle: social distancing, mask wearing, working from home, and communicating, teaching and learning over Zoom will continue in 2021.
The World Health Organization has received reports of almost 1.8 million deaths from Covid-19 around the world, even as scientists raced to develop a vaccine. And the vaccine arrived with unprecedented speed, with news of the first approval of a Covid-19 vaccine announced in the United Kingdom in December. Inoculation programmes are already under way in some countries. With me to talk about the Covid-19 vaccine situation in Hong Kong are David Hui, Head of the Division of Respiratory Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who’s also a government health expert on Covid-19 and Alex Lam, Chairman of Hong Kong Patients' Voices.

The Pulse

RTHK's English-language current affairs programme that takes "The Pulse" of Hong Kong ... and the world around it.

"The Pulse" is presented by locally and internationally known journalist and writer Steve Vines.

Its focus? The latest events and trends that affect Hong Kong - from the corridors of power and business boardrooms, to the streets and dai pai dongs.

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"The Pulse" is the media, informing us how well or badly our press and broadcast organisations diagnose and reflect the society around us.

"The Pulse" is insightful, in-depth reports and interviews on current issues - examining those issues in depth, looking behind and beyond the news.

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Starting 3 April, the programme is aired every Friday on RTHK 31 at 19:30. 

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Archive available later after broadcast. ** Please note that the programme air-time on TV is different with webcast time.