Your donations will go to five projects: medical assistance to rheumatic children; all-round development of underprivileged students, career planning of impoverished students; family support for children and their migrant mothers; sports training for young people in poverty.
[Support and Encourage] Hong Kong Paediatric Rheumatism Association is a mutual aid organisation for children with rheumatic diseases. It aims to render a platform for patients and their parents to share experiences and foster a spirit of mutual help.
To ensure patients receive timely and effective medication, the association is going to organise their ‘Fledgling for Rheumatic Children’ project. Under the scheme, a Medical Assistance Programme will be offered to sustain members’ medications and treatment needs and maintain quality of life.
Apart from medication concerns, the association will also organise a Patient Enrichment Programme which offers workshops to improve patients’ self-esteem. By organising physiotherapy and hydrotherapy courses, patients can also improve their resilience by learning ways to help heal their pain, and maintain a positive attitude despite their illness. The programme even offers overseas exchange opportunities for members to broaden their horizons.
If you want to know more about the services offered by the Hong Kong Paediatric Rheumatism Association, please visit:
No. of beneficiaries: 168 children with rheumatic diseases
[支持和鼓励] 少青风协会是儿童风湿病患者互助组织。协会旨在建立沟通平台,让患者及其家属能分享经验及发挥互助精神。
为了让儿童患者能够得到适时有效的治疗,该协会将提供 “Fledgling for Rheumatic Children” 计划。你的善款会资助其中的Medical Assistance Programme (MAP) ,给予病患者医疗需要,维持他们的生活素质。协会亦会举办 Patient Enrichment Programme (PEP), 鼓励病者并提升其自信。透过不同物理治疗和水治疗法,让病者能够认识更多舒缓病痛方法,提升他们面对疾病的能力,保持乐观心态。
受惠人数: 168名儿童风湿病患者
[Help disadvantaged children] The HUB Hong Kong aims to enrich, embrace and empower disadvantaged children and youths with equal opportunities to unlock their potential and become valuable and contributing members of our community. Apart from providing a safe place and support for children to facilitate healthy physical and mental development, the association also offers guidance and counselling for parents to establish a harmonious family relationship.
Project T, supported by OSC funding, is an all-round development rewarding project. By providing career exposure, arts, tutorial classes and voluntary services, it aims to help teenagers build self-confidence, develop empathy, identify potential and talents and encourage creativity.
To know more about the positive space for young minds, brought to you by HUB Hong Kong, please visit:
No. of beneficiaries: 60 disadvantaged children
[帮助弱势儿童] 香港乐童行致力为弱势儿童提供平等机会,令他们成为社会上重要的一员。该会为儿童提供学习和成长的地方,促进他们身心健康的发展,亦同时为父母提供家庭辅导和谘询服务,帮助儿童建立和谐的家庭关系。
透过你的捐款,可以资助他们推行Project T,这是为促进青少年全人发展的教育计划。它包括一连串丰富活动,如职业探索、文化艺术、学业辅导、义工训练及服务,帮助同学建立自信,培养同理心,发掘潜力。
了解更多 The HUB Hong Kong 提供的童乐成长空间:
受惠人数: 60名弱势儿童
[Inspire and prepare youths to succeed] Junior Achievement Hong Kong (JAHK) is dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy. In partnership with the business and education communities, JAHK offers a range of activity-based learning programmes for students to understand the world of work, and develop their entrepreneurial thinking and financial literacy.
With support from OSC, the first-ever JA Be My Own Boss Family Program is designed for Primary 4 to 6 students and their parents, upholding the spirit of enterprise as the theme. Through a series of hands-on learning activities, including board games, company visits and the launch of social innovation, participants can equip themselves with financial and enterprise skills, strengthen their self-confidence, and capitalise on opportunities for income generation and social change.
To know more about the JAHK’s hands-on and experiential learning service, please visit:
No. of beneficiaries: 600 beneficiaries (500 Primary 4 to 6 students and 100 of their parents)
[启发和装备青年发展] 成就香港部(JAHK)致力启发和培育年青人,为他们日后在全球经济中做好准备。透过与商业和教育界合作,提供一系列体验式学习计划,帮助学生了解工作环境、建立企业精神和理财知识。
「爱心圣诞大行动」的善款会支持他们推行「JA 小小企业家」,这是以学习企业精神为主题的课程。计划专为小四至小六学生和家长而设,通过一连串生动有趣的学习活动,包括棋盘游戏、企业参观及营商实践,让参加者们能够从中学习理财及创业技能,建立自主人生,为自己创造新机遇。
了解更多JA HK 提供的实践及体验式学习服务:
受惠人数: 600名 (500名小四至小六学生和100名家长)
[Support children of migrants and their families] PathFinders is the only NGO in Hong Kong that offers help to children and migrant mothers, who are often neglected in the local social welfare safety net. The organisation provides healthcare, education, humanitarian and legal services to this unique group of beneficiaries with complex needs. Their existing projects have helped children overcome challenges stemmed from systemic failings.
The OSC-funded project, A Child’s Journey with PathFinders is a 1-year project which aims to extend their service provision to children aged 1-3 years, creating life-long differences to their health and education.
To learn more about the organisation, please visit:
Anticipated No. of Beneficiaries:
Total no. of Beneficiaries: 11,200 people
Direct Beneficiaries (Children): 700 children each year.
Indirect Beneficiaries: 10,500 of these are additional indirect beneficiaries (500 mothers/family members of children and 10,000 FDWs/community members reached through outreach).
[支持少数族裔儿童和家庭] 融幼社是全港唯一为少数族裔儿童和妇女提供服务的非政府组织。少数族裔的社会福利容易被忽略,组织为他们提供基本需要,以及健康、教育、人道、法律一系列服务。现有的计划主要为少数族裔母亲,提供孩子出生前后的服务,至今每年协助约500个个案度过福利制度不力的难关。
今年你的善款将会资助他们的「融幼童行」A Child’s Journey with PathFinders,计划为期一年,让他们可以继续为1-3岁的少数族裔儿童提供服务,藉此希望为他们医疗及教育带来终生改变。
预计受惠人数:直接受益人(儿童)每年700名,间接受益人 10,500 (500名母亲/受益儿童的家人;10,000名外籍家庭佣工/少数族裔社区成员)
[Sports for Development] InspiringHK Sports Foundation is a Hong Kong-based charity organisation founded in 2012. Sports have increasingly been used as a tool for empowering young people in recent years. They provide professional sports training, learning experience programmes and advocacy activities. They aim to facilitate the development and social mobility of young people, especially those in poverty, by promoting good sportsmanship and attitudes.
ZoomIN Sports! Photo Empowerment Contest, as an OSC-funded project, targets marginalised youths, and strives to provide channels for them to express themselves and build their characters with photography and sports. By getting involved in sports, the young achieve personal and community goals such as team skills, leadership skills, social inclusion and gender equality.
To learn more about the organisation, please visit:
Anticipated No. of beneficiaries: 320 young people
ZoomIN Sports! Photo Empowerment Contest是爱心圣诞大行动的支持项目之一,它以边缘青少年为目标对象,希望通过运动和摄影,给予他们正面健康的表达渠道及发展机会;此外,体育有助青少年增值自己,培育团队合作、领导能力、社会和谐和两性平等等价值观和处事态度。
预计受惠人数: 320名青少年