Beneficiaries 受惠机构


Your donations will help address job-related issues for female workers; improve the living environment of underprivileged families; provide support for the elderly; and enhance care and support for Alzheimer’s patients.


Hong Kong Women Workers Association

[Improving women workers’ livelihood] Hong Kong Women Workers Association is dedicated to women's labour policies. They address obstacles, and provide remedies for unemployment and financial problems. HKWWA also serves as a platform for social workers and professionals to better understand the difficulties women workers are facing. Members can also broaden their social network and voice their opinions regarding policy-making.

Triple UP: upcycling, upgrade, upholding, with support from OSC, is an upcoming project which takes women carers and low-income families to seminars during which participants learn how to turn unused items into useful products. Introducing the idea of upcycling, this programme not only provides sustainable strategies for an environmentally-sustainable economy, but also improves the living environments for grassroots families.

No. of beneficiaries: 2,350 people

[改善妇女生活] 香港妇女劳工协会一直致力于妇女劳工政策事宜,并在生活和就业方面提供协助,令妇女一展所长,回馈社会。同时为她们提供会友交流互动平台,让社工和专业人士更了解她们面对的困难

籍着你的善款支持,Triple UP: upcycling, upgrade, upholding 是他们的全新计划。透过崭新的upcycling 升级再造的概念,为低收入家庭妇女提供指导,利用简单物资加工制成实用产品。制成品不但能在家居使用,更能在机构特设的市场内销售。是次计划能够支援持续环保经济,同时能协助妇女劳工生活,增加她们自信心。


受惠人数: 2,350名受益人

The co-ordinator of the Hong Kong Women Workers Association, Wu Mei Lin, talks to Annemarie Evans about how the funds raised will be for their Triple Up Programme.
Project Space

[Connecting Families through Beautifying Homes] Project Space is a charitable organisation established by a group of enthusiastic architects and students majoring in architecture. They make use of their professional knowledge to offer assistance to low-income families through interior design and home repair work. It strives to provide adequate room for living, and an environment that meets good sanitation standards. They also have volunteer services that educate the next generation through community art, environmental conservation and regular home visits.

Home Improvement 2019, funded by OSC, is going to help 60-120 underprivileged families who live in subdivided units, container flats, and public housing through renovation and maintenance. Project Space will recruit volunteers to help ensure families live in a safe and hygienic environment. The types of home improvement services include reorganising home space, repairing home appliances, and installing new furniture. It is hoped that the project will alleviate mental pressure, enhance their family relationships, and cultivate their children by enhancing and creating a sound environment.

No. of beneficiaries: 120 families

To find out more about Project Space, please visit:




受惠人数: 120个家庭
Radio 3 Angie Man went to visit one of their beneficiary families and talked to the project director Frank Yau.
Charles K.Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease

[Support for Alzheimer's Disease patients] Charles K.Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease aims to raise public awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. They are dedicated to filling the gaps in the service spectrum for dementia patients, so as to improve their quality of life. With the goal of supporting Alzheimer's and dementia patients and their families, the Foundation also seeks cooperation with organisations to enhance resource allocation and education. 

The Foundation will collaborate with the Christian Family Service Centre – Mind Delight Memory and Cognitive Training Centre - to offer financial support on cognitive training and daycare service. Dementia-specific services in Hong Kong are limited, depriving many dementia patients and their caregivers of adequate support. This programme turns OSC funds into sharing sessions, which provide tips on caregiving. It also provides early intervention for people with dementia to maintain cognitive function. To provide holistic support, the Foundation will also work towards releasing the stress of the caregivers and alleviate their financial burden.

To know more Charles K.Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease, please visit: 

Total no. of beneficiaries: 60 cases of CSSA recipients/low-income families




受惠人数: 60个综援或低收入家庭

Michelle Chan talks to Vincent Chan, General Manager and Claire Lai, Project Officer with the Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease
ChickenSoup Foundation

[Caring for the ageing population] Hong Kong is known to have a growing ageing population.  Some lack self-care and the ability to look after themselves and their spouses. Many become socially inactive and unready for end-of-life arrangements, adding to the problem of emotional stress for the elderly. ChickenSoup Foundation has recognised the need to extend their service to the older generation. 

Project Super Senior, funded by OSC, aims to address two layers of needs: (i) the challenges of solitary elders and elderly couples and (ii) the service gap stemming from insufficient attention and ineffective social welfare services. The Project mitigates the most  burning needs of elderly families living in poor conditions and cultivates self-managing habits. It will also provide proactive services and hand-holding experiences by directly engaging corporate volunteers. 

To know more about ChickenSoup Foundation, please visit:

Total no. of beneficiaries: 50 elderly families




受惠人数: 50个长者家庭

Hugh Chiverton talks to Edward Man, Founder of the ChickenSoup Foundation, whose 'Project Super Senior' will be supported this year.