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英语篇 #14 博物馆之旅


英语篇 #14 博物馆之旅

1. 香港故宫文化博物馆 Hong Kong Palace Museum
- There’s one in China 故宫博物院 (Palace Museum).
- 故宫 = The Forbidden City
- The Hong Kong Palace Museum presents over 900 priceless treasures from the Palace Museum.
- There are various exhibitions (展览) which display (展示) Chinese paintings, calligraphy (书法), portraits (画像) of Qing emperors and empresses, and artefacts from the Forbidden City.
- Some are permanent (永久) exhibitions and some are temporary (临时/短暂的).
- There’s an exhibition called the Grand Gallop (骑马奔驰).
- With more than 100 of the finest paintings, sculptures, and decorative art objects from the Palace Museum, this special exhibition offers visitors a rare opportunity to learn about the rich symbolic, social, military, and political significance of the horse—one of the most beloved subjects in Chinese art.

- artifacts (US), artefacts (UK) 尤指具有史学价值的)人工制品,制造物,手工艺品
- cultural relics 文化遗物

Interesting News
1. Mona Lisa got caked.
- Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting at the Louvre Museum 罗浮宫 in Paris
- News headline:
Mona Lisa smeared with cake in apparent climate protest

2. Andy Warhol (American artist)
- Retro style paintings of iconic artists 标志性艺术家 like Marilyn Monroe and a can of Campbell’s soup.

3. NFT = Non Fungible token/ fungible 易于(与同类或同价物品)交换(或交易)的

- Fungible means that you can trade one dollar with another dollar and it will be exactly the same. Non-fungible means that it’s one of a kind.



Bonjour! 趁着巴黎奥运年推出的新一辑法语篇,透过多位法国人物 — 顾拜旦、路易十四、伏尔泰、孟德斯鸠、艾菲尔、莫奈、圣修伯里等,一起轻松学习法文,感受浪漫文化。
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