



    这是世界上最惨烈,最具挑战性的故事,记载了人类从首次驾驶飞行器飞上天空、第一次飞越大西洋、利用战机参与第一次世界大战和发展到超音速飞机的历史。 这纪录片系列搜罗了过去珍贵的黑白历史片段,重新调上颜色,再次以更真实的画面,展现出各国怎样在飞行技科上比拼,令到人类不再受地域的限制,而穿梭各地。

    From the first men in their flying machines to World War One, from the first Atlantic crossing to the supersonic era, this is the story of the most daredevil challenges the world has ever known, braved by the men and women who wrote the history of human flight. As the episodes unfold, we learn how one discovery and daring exploit spurred on another, from country to country, around the world. We meet the leading players of this epic story and witness their feats in stunning colorized archive footage garnered from a wealth of international sources.