

Language Academy




    主持人:Maggie 黄蔚儿、Joanne 谭绮旻


    Bonjour! 趁着巴黎奥运年推出的新一辑法语篇,透过多位法国人物 — 顾拜旦、路易十四、伏尔泰、孟德斯鸠、艾菲尔、莫奈、圣修伯里等,一起轻松学习法文,感受浪漫文化。
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    法语篇#2 太阳王路易十四

    Louis XIV - 路易十四

    Le Roi Soleil - 太阳王 (路易十四的称号)

    Les chaussures à talons - 高踭鞋

    Le parfum - 香水

    Le Louvre/Musée du Louvre - 罗浮宫

    La Joconde - 蒙娜丽莎 (法语名称)

    La Vénus de Milo - 米洛的维纳斯

    La Victoire de Samothrace - 胜利女神像

    Le Château de Versailles - 凡尔赛宫

    La Galerie des Glaces – (凡尔赛宫内的)镜厅


    法语,作爲欧洲语言的其中一个特点,是每一个名词都可以分爲男或女,或称爲阳性和阴性。例如法国和中国是阴性的名词,前面需要用la;加拿大是阳性的名词,需要用le。如果像澳洲,以A这样的元音开头,便不能说la Australie,而需要连在一起,説成l’Australie,写法是l加一撇。

    大家常听到的一句“C'est la vie”,因爲人生vie在法文是阴性,所以前面会加la。字面的意思是这就是人生,但其实更加像我们中文里面説的人生不如意事十常八九,你还是接受吧,所以用这句的时候通常都是有些不好的事情发生了。。

    19/05/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:00 - 20:30)



    英语篇 #4 港式饮食文化:茶餐厅与酒楼

    主持人:Maggie 黄蔚儿、Joanne 谭绮旻


    ●       「茶餐厅」 英文?Cha Chaan Teng

    ●       「酒楼」 英文? Chinese restaurant/ traditional Chinese restaurant


    How often do you go to a cha chaan teng? 你有几经常去茶餐厅?


     一星期至少一次 At least once a week


    What’s your favorite breakfast there? 最钟意吃什么早餐?


    ●       火腿通粉

    ●       Macaroni / 通常喺美国 macaroni 系指 macaroni and cheese

    ●       香港有汤的 = Macaroni soup with ham

    ●       汤面可否叫 noodle soup?

    ●       沙嗲牛肉面 Satay Beef Noodles

    ●       五香肉丁 Spiced Pork Cubes

    ●       五香肉丁米 Spiced Pork Cubes Rice Noodles

    ●       菠萝油 Pineapple bun with butter

    ●       河粉 (米线、米粉和河粉英文都是Rice noodles)

    ●       河粉  Flat Rice Noodles

    ●       米粉 Rice Vermicelli

    -          星洲炒米Fried Rice Vermicelli In Singapore Style/ Singaporean Fried Rice Noodles

    茶餐厅/酒楼基本上不会用英文落单, 但你可能与不懂中文的朋友去

    ●       朋友问 What would you recommend? Do you have any recommendations?

                            I would recommend their fried rice.

    ●       你想食面定饭? Do you prefer noodles or rice?

    ●       你有什么偏好吗?Do you have any preferences?

    ●       有没有什么你是不吃的? Is there anything that you don’t eat?

    不吃内脏 - I will anything except organ meat.

    不吃凤爪 - Anything but chicken feet. / I don’t eat chicken feet.

    不吃猪脚 - I don’t eat pork knuckles.


    今天有什么厨师推介?  What is today’s special?

    -          What is something you think I would eat? 你觉得有什么是适合我吃的?

    -          Can you translate the menu?

    -          鸡丝乌冬 stir-fry udon with shredded chicken

    -          乾炒牛河  Stir-fry flat rice noodles with beef

    * 乾炒牛河 有时会有葱, 如何叫走葱?

    * Can we have the stir-fry flat rice noodles with beef without green onions?

    * 也可叫作 spring onions/ scallions, 和 spring onions 相似 (but they have bigger bulbs)

    -          扬洲炒饭 Yeung Chow Fried Rice

    -          餐蛋饭 (午餐肉 spam/luncheon meat)  spam and eggs with rice

    * Can I have extra soy sauce? Would you like extra soy sauce?

    -          滑蛋叉烧饭 / 叉烧 (BBQ pork/Cha Siu) Scrambled eggs with BBQ Pork

    -          烧肉饭 roast pork with rice

    * 姜蓉 Minced Ginger & Scallion Dipping Sauce


    -          烧卖 - Shumai


    It is a type of traditional Chinese dumpling that is mainly made of pork, shrimp and Chinese black mushrooms.

    -          虾饺 Har gow / Shrimp dumpling



    ●       冻柠茶少甜少冰?Iced lemon tea with less ice and less sugar

    Can I have an iced lemon tea with less ice and less sugar?

    ●       冻柠乐 走冰? Coke with lemon with no ice/ Coke with lemon without ice.

    ●       想要多啲奶? Can I have a milk tea with extra milk?


    ●       柠檬水 Iced lemon water // 美国会叫 water with lemons // lemonade

    -          Half & Half? = half lemonade and half sweet tea

    (香港某汉堡餐厅系有呢样野/ 美国南部才有sweet tea)

    Can I have a half & half, half lemonade and half iced tea?


    26/06/2022 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:04 - 20:35)