

Language Academy




    主持人:Maggie 黄蔚儿、Joanne 谭绮旻


    Bonjour! 趁着巴黎奥运年推出的新一辑法语篇,透过多位法国人物 — 顾拜旦、路易十四、伏尔泰、孟德斯鸠、艾菲尔、莫奈、圣修伯里等,一起轻松学习法文,感受浪漫文化。
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    法语篇#2 太阳王路易十四

    Louis XIV - 路易十四

    Le Roi Soleil - 太阳王 (路易十四的称号)

    Les chaussures à talons - 高踭鞋

    Le parfum - 香水

    Le Louvre/Musée du Louvre - 罗浮宫

    La Joconde - 蒙娜丽莎 (法语名称)

    La Vénus de Milo - 米洛的维纳斯

    La Victoire de Samothrace - 胜利女神像

    Le Château de Versailles - 凡尔赛宫

    La Galerie des Glaces – (凡尔赛宫内的)镜厅


    法语,作爲欧洲语言的其中一个特点,是每一个名词都可以分爲男或女,或称爲阳性和阴性。例如法国和中国是阴性的名词,前面需要用la;加拿大是阳性的名词,需要用le。如果像澳洲,以A这样的元音开头,便不能说la Australie,而需要连在一起,説成l’Australie,写法是l加一撇。

    大家常听到的一句“C'est la vie”,因爲人生vie在法文是阴性,所以前面会加la。字面的意思是这就是人生,但其实更加像我们中文里面説的人生不如意事十常八九,你还是接受吧,所以用这句的时候通常都是有些不好的事情发生了。。

    19/05/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:00 - 20:30)



    英语篇 #8 疫情相关的英文用语

    主持人:Maggie 黄蔚儿、Joanne 谭绮旻

    Pandemic/ Testing


    疫情 pandemic (n)

    Pandemic vs epidemic?

    -              An epidemic(n/adj 疾病的)流行 involves the wide-ranging spread of a disease throughout an entire area or particular community where it’s not permanently prevalent.

    -              A pandemic 大流行病 involves an even wider spread, often reaching across the entire world.

    -              The word endemic (adj: 在某地或某些人中)特有的,流行的 is used to describe a disease that persistently and regularly spreads within a particular area or region (that is, it never fully goes away)—for example, the flu is considered endemic in many places.

    -              The COVID-19 virus is not yet considered endemic, but medical experts expect that it eventually will become endemic.


     Pandemic Prevention

    From the experience of SARS, Hong Kong people geared up quickly and put on their masks.

    -              Gear up 准备 (phrasal verb)

    -              吸取左SARS 嘅经验 We’ve learned from SARS.

    -              So I think Hong Kong people did a great job in pandemic prevention.

    -              防疫措施 - epidemic prevention measure/ pandemic prevention/ anti-epidemic measures

    You may not hear people say the full name “COVID-19” anymore.

    美国 anti-mask movement

    Coronavirus funny story

    - A beer company (Corxxx)’s page received a bunch of comments from people who asked if they could drink their beer to cure the virus.  cure - 治愈,治好


    Travel/ Quarantine

     Do you have any travel plans?

    A lot of my friends can’t take it anymore. When the government reduced the quarantine requirement to one week, a few of my friends immediately bought tickets to go somewhere.

    Quarantine 隔离检疫

    Quarantine 隔离检疫 vs isolation 隔离/分离/孤独

    -              The prisoner has been kept in isolation for three days.这个犯人已被隔离三天了

    -              Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.

    -              Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.




    -          I have received the third dose of the COVID vaccine already.

    -          I have received three doses already.


    Vaccine 疫苗 vs vaccination 疫苗接种?

    -          A vaccine is a fluid they inject into you.

    -          A vaccination is a shot that you get. It’s the introduction of the vaccine into your body.


    普通打针 - shot / jab / injection Which vaccine did you take?  BioNTech / Sinovac


    安心出行/ Testing


    It is now mandatory to scan the “Leave Home Safe” app.

    -          Besides scanning the app, we also need to scan our vaccination records because of the Vaccine Pass scheme.

    -          Vaccine Pass - 疫苗通行证


    Do you test yourself for COVID regularly?


    -          rapid antigen test (RAT)  - 快速抗原测试

    -          RAT -  designed to directly detect virus proteins (antigens) in respiratory specimens.

    -          自愿测试/ 检测 voluntary testing

    -          核酸检测 nucleic acid test

    You need to go to a community testing center to take this test.


    24/07/2022 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:04 - 20:35)