



    Bee Gees 乐队三兄弟透过顽强的斗志,不懈的努力和无限的创造力,将他们的歌唱事业发挥得淋漓尽致,推至流行乐坛的顶峰。他们首首和谐悦耳的经典金曲皆由他们亲自谱写出来,他们更成为有史以来全球唱片最畅销的流行乐队之一,唱片销量超过2.2亿张。尽管他们在充满商业味的流行乐坛上取得骄人成就,但他们的成长过程并非一帆风顺,不如意的事,经常在家族中接踵而来。 以兄弟档流行组合而言,Bee Gees 乐队仍然是有史以来最成功的家庭合唱队伍。这纪录片将带你走过Bee Gees 乐队数十年的人生历程,从民谣歌曲到的士高音乐,细看他们如何不断改进自己音乐风格,塑造新的形象,成为的士高热潮的领航者。

    Through perseverance, hard work and creativity, these three brothers rose to the top of their profession. Writing all their own hits, the harmonious family act became one of the world's best-selling artists of all time, selling over more than 220 million records worldwide. Although commercially successful, their growth into a music powerhouse was not without tragedy. As brothers, the Bee Gees remain as the most successful family act of all time. From folk balladry to the disco falsetto, this biographical documentary will take you on a journey through the decades as the Bee Gees transform their musical style, reinventing their image to become the poster boys of the disco movement.