




    《末代皇朝》纪录片的主持人大卫•亚当斯将横越欧亚两洲,追寻昔日欧洲战士所建立的皇朝及现今遗留的痕迹。 这些国王为了家族创造了庞大的帝国,但最终因皇室内宫争权夺利而瓦解。在真正的「权力的游戏」中,匈奴王阿提拉和帖木儿大帝;英格兰国王埃德加一世,和查理曼大帝的皇朝均因内斗而无法延续下去。纪录片制作团队会使用科学鉴证分析关键事件,让纪录片的内容更忠于历史,并通过无人机的拍摄和电脑成像技术说明每个故事当中奥妙之处。与此同时亦会追查谁是凶手,谋杀了英格兰国王埃德加的长子。另外,主持人也会远赴亚洲,探讨为何帖木儿这样才智过人能摧毁城市,并以敌人之头骨建造塔楼的战略家,竟没任何计划选定继任人? 在这欧亚历史之旅,主持人大卫•亚当更将宏伟传奇的撒马尔罕清真寺、中世纪英国城堡的考古发掘、君士坦丁堡的古城墙、以及参加乌兹别克的传统马背叼羊锦标赛一一呈现观众眼前。

    In End of Empire Presenter David Adams crosses Europe and Asia as he investigates the warrior kings who created vast empires only for their families to later dismember the empire as they fight over the spoils. In a real “Game of Thrones” the dysfunctional families of Attila the Hun; Timur (Tamerlane the Great); Edgar, King of the English and Charlemagne manage to lose it all.  CSI meets history as we analyse key events using forensic analysis and illustrate each story via drones and striking CGI images in a unique “virtual room”. We investigate the mystery of who murdered Edgar’s eldest son, the rightful King of England? How could a brilliant strategist like Tamerlane destroy cities, building towers of skulls of slain enemies, but not leave behind a proper succession plan? In telling the course of his travels through Europe and Asia David takes the audience from the magnificent mosques of legendary Samarkand to archaeological digs at medieval English castles, the ancient walls of Constantinople and joins in a traditional horseback buzkashi tournament in Uzbekistan.