





    东柏林民众经历共产政权数十年的高压统治后,终于忍受不了被封锁的生活,推倒那道把东西德分割的围墙。自六十年代起,西柏林渐成为新兴文化热点,吸引The Rolling Stones、David Bowie等歌手的垂青。然而,共产政权一直视摇滚音乐为政治毒药,因此东欧的青年人对此甚为陌生。这一集看柏林在冷战时期的变迁,探讨音乐如何撒下反叛的种子。柏林围墙在一九八九年正式倒下,Pink Floyd乐队的Roger Waters联同多名歌手举办演唱会助庆。在云云曲目中,德国乐队Scorpions的《变革之风(Wind of Change)》可谓最能刻画当时心情的代表曲,把面对历史时刻的百味纷陈表达得淋漓尽致。

    双语广播:粤语/英语 (电视版)

    播放频道: 港台电视31、31A
    播出时间: (首播) 2017年10月3日 星期二 晚上9时30分
    (重温) 2017年10月4日 星期三 凌晨12时30分
    2017年10月4日 星期三 上午10时正

    The Berlin Wall & The Fall of Communism

    After decades living under a repressive Communist regime, the people of East Germany could no longer stay trapped behind the concrete wall that separated them from their countrymen in the West — and so they tore that Wall down. Since the 1960s, West Berlin had been a cultural hotspot and a draw for artists like The Rolling Stones and David Bowie. But because rock music was considered politically dangerous to the Communist authorities, teenagers in the East had little access to it. This episode charts the course of the Cold War in Berlin through music, showing how it helped to sow the seeds of rebellion. After the Wall officially came down in 1989, a number of artists including Roger Waters of Pink Floyd put on concerts to celebrate. But it was a German band, the Scorpions, who came up with the true anthem of that moment in time, “Wind of Change,” which captured the bittersweet emotions behind such a dramatic moment in history.
    Bilingual: Cantonese/ Englsih (TV Version)

    Channel: RTHK 31 & 31A
    Time: (First run) 2017.10.3 Tue 9:30pm
    (Re-run) 2017.10.4 Wed 12:30am
    2017.10.4 Wed 10:00am