Gordon Ramsay 疯味之旅 3
Gordon Ramsay在波多黎各探索,从碧海到内陆山区,了解台风玛莉亚的破坏和居民的复修过程。大厨Jose Enrique带他用鱼枪捕鱼、攀爬瀑布捕鲜虾,并乘直升机前往有机咖啡庄园。
粤语/英语 (电视版)
2025年1月14日 星期二晚,10时30分
Gordon Ramsay explores the enchanted island of Puerto Rico; from the bright blue sea to the lush mountains of the interior. Along the way he learns about Hurricane Maria’s devastating toll on the island, and how its destruction prompted locals to push for food independence. On this epic adventure, Chef Jose Enrique sends Gordon spearfishing, rappelling down a waterfall for delicious river shrimp, and on a helicopter ride to an organic coffee plantation.
Cantonese/ English (TV Version)
(First run)
2025.1.14 TUE 10:30pm