Head of RTHK Radio 3-Jim Gould (香港电台第三台节目总监-高谊德)

Interview Transcript:

1) The relationship of Jim and HK.


In UK, I used to work for the BBC. After seven years of working, I decide that it was time to travel. I took a year off from BBC to travel and I didn’t get any further.

在英国的时候,我曾经在英国广播公司工作。工作了七年后,我决定是时候休息一下去旅游,因此我向公司请了一年假, 然后到了香港后,就没有离开了。

2) Why did you choose HK?


I have been here before and I like it very much. So when I decided to travel, I came to HK again and because I had friends here and somewhere to stay. For the very day I arrived, I went to meet my friends in Foreign Correspondents Club and he said why are you looking at the notice board. I replied “it is because there are some interesting jobs advertising, including one here at RTHK, on the TV site”. I have been working on radio and TV in London.So I phoned and came to see the people. The next day, I went for an interview.

我曾经到过香港并十分喜欢这个地方,所以当我去旅游时,就决定重游香港。因为我有不少朋友都居住在此,而且更有地方下榻。 到达香港当天,我约了朋友在香港外国记者会见面。 然后他问我为何望着告示板, 其实因为告示板上贴有香港电台电视部的招聘广告,吸引了我。因为我曾经在伦敦广播电视行业工作,所以我就致电香港电台应征并在翌日面试 。

3) So when did you go to work?


It was also for particular programme. They needed a producer for a TV program called “The Weekend Politics” which is similar to what I have been doing in my last position in BBC. I was working in Westminster producing political program before.


4) When did you go to work in RTHK?


The day after that. Within three days of arriving. Life was simpler in those days.

就是在面试翌日, 到达了香港三天内就得到了工作,以前的生活相对比较简单。

5) You never imagine to stay in HK for working?


I did have that idea. I kind of thought I might doing this. That's how it works out so it works well for me and I stayed long time here.


6) Why you left HK and came back again?


For family reasons. My parents are elderly and my father was not very well. By that time, I had a young family, nearly time for kids to go to school.


7) Why you have the decision to come back?


Because for the whole time of away, I missed HK all the time, most of my friends are here. I kept contact with people here and my colleagues in media business, in RTHK. It turned out the radio newsroom upstairs where we are sitting now needed to hire an editor. Because certain family matters were resolved in UK, I thought it was time to come back to HK with the whole family. It was a little bit strange for the kids because they were taken away from schools.


8) Can you introduce your hometown?


My hometown, the place where I grew up and went to school is in the Southeast of England. The county is called Kent, it refers to the Garden of England. It's in the southeast corner and the climate is quite nice. There are lots of countryside and have some vineyards there.


I must say I just presented a very nice picture of the county of Kent, although it must be said the town I went to school called Gravesend, which is actually right on the River Thames, in the industrial area. It’s in the edge of London. I like it because I'm very familiar to it. I guess wherever you grew up and went to school, you’re gonna have emotional attachment to it.


9) Any festivals of UK?


There are many festivals that take place in UK. Actually one more thing that you may interested in Gravesend, it's actually the burial place of Princess Pocahontas. There's a statue of Pocahontas in the ground of St. George's Church over the River Thames. Festivals, I mean Christmas is the main cultural festival. Probably from the middle of December until the end of December, there's not much activities at work. People are taking holidays, going to visit relatives and similar to HK Chinese New Year.

有很多节日都是在英国举行。其实还有有一个关于格雷夫森德的地方你可能感兴趣,格雷夫森德其实就是宝嘉康蒂公主的埋葬之地,在泰晤士河上的圣佐治大教堂地上矗立着公主的雕像。 关于节日,我相信圣诞节应该是主要的文化节日,大概在十二月中至尾。很多人都不会工作,市民大都放了假,准备回乡探亲,就好像香港的新年一样。

10) Any pre-Christimas canival?


There’s usually a street fair with lots of types of food and drink. It ran about the mid of December.


11) You have been in HK for so many years. What do you like most about HK? Because you have been worked in HK for nine years and back to England, and you still came back to HK, so what impressed you most?

你已在香港很多年了,你最喜欢香港的什么? 因为你在香港工作了九年,后来又回到英国。但其后你又再次来港,所以香港究竟有什么吸引你的地方?

I like the way that you can live in a modern city and yet you are surrounded by country parks, like fabulous countryside and beaches and you can access very easily.


12) So this is the main reason?


It's the same in London. Big city, if you live in London, Tokyo, Osaka, it took you very long time to get to the countryside or go to the seashore. But for HK, it's very easy and quickly. Another thing I like very much about HK is the very interesting friendly Cantonese culture. HK is very Chinese but it’s also very international, and you can meet all kinds of people here and it's easy to make friends.


13) Christmas atmosphere in HK is very strong. So what will you do during Christmas?


It depends. Sometimes we’ll make christmas meal at home. Probably this year,we go to make out in friend’s restaurant in a group.


14) How many years you did for Operation Santa Claus?


Five years.


15) It's a charity work and how you feel about it?


It's great and it's Radio 3 main public engagement exercise because we are involved with beneficiary organizations, donors, big corporate entities who donate to Operation Santa Claus and lots of community organizations in schools who raise funds on individual level. Groups of people getting together, having a good idea and helping to raise the annual fund for Operation Santa Claus. We’ll be able to make a big difference with NGOs who came to us with ideas and special project which they bid for. Of course we have the committees which study a bit.

感觉良好,因为这是第三台举办的公众活动。当中参与的有慈善团体、善长人翁及捐款的大企业,以及不少以个人名义筹款的在校团体。每年都会有一大班人聚在一起并构思如何增加筹办基金,我们会与非政府组织 一起合作,亦有委员会负责筹办活动。

16) How about this year?


This year is obviously a bit difficult because of the social unrest. Unfortunately, a lot of the events we are involved with, have to postpone.


17) As the national flower of UK is red rose, so is it often to see?


I think about UK, most of the people living in houses rather than the apartments. If you have a house, you probably have a garden as well. And gardening is a kind of national passion pass time, and you will relax to grow flowers in the garden and roses are very popular. I like attractive flowers but I'm never good at gardening.

在英国不少居民都是住在大宅而非公寓,如果你有一间大屋,很多时都会配有花园。 而园艺是国民的兴趣,休闲时在花园里种植,而玫瑰就是非常普遍的一种花。我喜欢美丽的花朵,但是自己就不擅于园艺。

18) Any slangs?


There is a word that only emerged in the past three years and it's a combination of Britain and Exit, and that makes “Brexit”, the United Kingdom or England leaving the European Union, which had been a member for the past forty years. It’s very controversial and it's quite a headache, frankly speaking. Little bit about UK perhaps, because most countries are the product of histories and UK got a quite colourful history. Once upon a time we had an Empire all around the world and there is an expression that the sun never set on the British Empire. I remembered Emily Lau saying before the handover, you know why that is, it’s because the God does not trust the British in the dark. But of course that's all in the past, and the imperialism is a very controversial issue and that's in the past. There are no more British Empire. But one of the benefits is the people who live in countries which used to be connected with United Kingdom, lots of people moved to UK so UK itself is much more multicultural place than it was before, which enriches the life of the country.

最近有一个潮语是三年前才开始兴起,由「英国」和「脱离」二字组成一个名词叫Brexit,意思是指英国作为40年成员国之一,正式退出欧洲联盟。英国脱欧这个举动带来很大争议性,国家是历史的产物,而英国具备独特的历史色彩。因为从前英国被称为横跨全世界的大不列颠帝国,同时亦有「日不落帝国」的美誉。 我还记得刘慧卿议员在英国移交主权前解释日不落帝国源于上帝从不相信黑暗中的英国人,不过具争议性的帝国主义和大不列颠帝国都已成历史,但带来的其中一个好处就是很多曾居住在英国殖民地的居民都移居定都英国,让英国成为多元文化社会。

19) The difference and similarity of culture between HK and UK?


I think they are both pretty a hard working places. People study hard, works hard, try to make a good living for family. If you have talent, you can succeed.


香港电台第三台节目总监-高谊德, 夏妙然博士